
Tips for creating a resume and job application as a senior worker: useful insights by one of the best retirement homes in Bangalore

May 19, 2023

Categories : Senior Living Guide | Senior Living Tips

job application as a senior

During their golden years, seniors can remain active and contribute their skills and knowledge to various projects and organisations. To secure a job after retirement, seniors should focus on creating a compelling resume that showcases their experience and expertise. As one of the best retirement homes in Bangalore, we share some of the useful tips that seniors should keep in mind while preparing their resumes. 1. Include the last 12-15 years of experience: To create an effective resume, seniors should focus on including the most relevant and recent work experience, ideally from the past 12-15 years. They should highlight their contributions and achievements in their previous roles, showcasing their skills and abilities. The work experience section should be tailored to align with the job requirements of the position they are applying for. Seniors should also avoid including unnecessary dates in their resume to prevent potential age discrimination. Graduation dates from more than a decade ago can be left off. However, dates of employment should always be included. 2. Address career breaks: When seniors take a break from their career, it may leave a gap on their resume that needs to be addressed when they decide to return to work. While career breaks are more widely accepted now than in the past, it is still important to address them. One effective approach is to address the gap in the cover letter by briefly explaining what the seniors were doing during the break, such as travelling or caring for a family member. It is also important to convey enthusiasm for returning to work. 3. Avoid listing outdated skills: It is important for seniors to avoid listing outdated skills on their resume. With advancements in technology, certain skills and competencies that were once valuable may no longer be relevant in the current job market. Therefore, seniors need to ensure that they are up to date with the latest technology and tools that are required in their field of work. This will help them stay competitive and marketable to potential employers. 4. Select the right font: When preparing a resume, it is essential to use a modern and easy-to-read font style. Outdated fonts do not display well on computer screens and are rarely used in today’s business world. Seniors can opt for sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Geneva that are more streamlined and readable. A font size of 12 is standard and will make the resume more legible. 5. Include a LinkedIn URL: To increase their chances of being noticed by potential employers, seniors should consider including their LinkedIn URL in their resume. LinkedIn is a powerful platform that allows users to connect with professionals globally and explore job opportunities that align with their expertise. It is also a great way to showcase skills and experience through a professional profile, which includes a summary, job history, and education. Seniors can also join industry-related groups to network and stay up-to-date on trends and news in their field. 6. Highlight relevant skills: In today’s competitive job market, highlighting relevant skills and expertise is important for seniors looking to secure employment. Many seniors tend to downplay their abilities, but showcasing relevant skills can make a positive impression on potential employers and increase the chances of being hired. It is essential to tailor the resume to the specific job requirements by emphasising the relevant skills, which can significantly improve the chances of getting an interview. Looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore that offer a worry-free retirement lifestyle? Explore our retirement homes in Bangalore that are designed to provide a comfortable and peaceful living environment. Our senior citizen homes in Bangalore offer a hassle-free living environment that enables seniors to pursue new hobbies and even embark on new career paths. To know more about our services and facilities, call us at +918884555554.

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Creating a fulfilling retirement plan: setting goals and finding purpose: Useful insights by one of the leading senior citizen apartments in Bangalore

April 25, 2023

Categories : retirement homes in Bangalore

Retired homes in Bangalore

After decades of working, retirement can bring a sense of loss or confusion about what to do next. By setting goals and finding a sense of purpose, you can enhance your retirement experience and maintain a sense of fulfilment and meaning in life. As one of the leading retirement homes in Bangalore, we share with you some useful insights on how you can set retirement goals and find purpose during retirement:   1. Find purpose: Retirement represents a significant life transition and discovering a sense of purpose during this period is important. Sources of purpose could include pursuing a passion, learning a new hobby, or engaging in community service. Also, having a sense of purpose in life is associated with overall well-being and longevity.    2. Determine your priorities: It is important to determine your personal values and priorities when planning for retirement. Make a list of activities that appeal to you and could give your life a new direction. This could include hobbies, volunteer work, travel, or even pursuing a new educational programme.    3. Set achievable goals: It is important to set goals that are realistic and achievable. The idea behind this is to avoid stress and enjoy your golden years to the fullest. You may wish to create goals related to your health, relationships, personal growth, or community involvement. By viewing these goals as stepping stones, you will feel a sense of happiness and achievement throughout your retirement.    4. Focus on your overall well-being: An all-encompassing retirement plan not only addresses your personal goals and community involvement but also takes into account different factors that contribute to your overall well-being, such as:  Physical well-being: Eating a balanced diet can help you stay healthy. In addition to eating well, staying active by participating in regular exercise, such as cycling or jogging, can also help you feel energised. Also, remain attentive to any unexpected changes in your body and seek prompt medical attention if necessary. Mental well-being: When you retire, it is necessary to keep your mind active and engaged. Research has shown that engaging in mentally-stimulating hobbies such as reading and playing chess has been linked to better cognitive function and a reduced risk of cognitive decline in old age. Social well-being: Strong relationships can help give you a sense of purpose and support. Joining social groups or hobby clubs can also help you build new connections. When you join a hobby class, whether it is photography or music, you find yourself around other like-minded people. Spiritual well-being: Spirituality can increase your sense of connection with the world, making you feel less isolated. Many seniors turn to religion or spiritual practices for comfort and guidance, especially during challenging times. In addition to praying and observing other religious practices, you can begin practising meditation. This involves focusing your mind on a particular object or thought in order to achieve a state of calmness or relaxation. Financial well-being: To enjoy your golden years to the fullest, you need financial resources to support your needs and desires. You can achieve your financial goals and minimise risk by investing in a varied range of financial schemes including bonds and mutual funds. If you are not well-versed in financial planning, you should seek the assistance of a financial advisor.   Retirement can be a time of great uncertainty and emotional upheaval. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of retirement, consider getting professional advice from a retirement coach or counsellor.   Looking for senior citizen apartments in Bangalore?      Are you looking for a senior living community in Bangalore that offers great amenities and exceptional services? Explore our retirement homes that are designed with the comfort and well-being of our residents in mind. Nestled amidst lush surroundings, our retirement communities exudes warmth and vibrancy. To know more about our retirement homes in Bangalore,  call us at +918884555554 or book a virtual tour.

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How to not give up on your new year resolutions? Tips by one of the best retirement homes in Bangalore

February 15, 2023

Categories : Activities For Seniors Citizens | Senior Living

It can be exciting to ring in the new year with a new resolve to lose weight, go for daily walks, quit smoking, learn a new language, or not to worry about trivial things. While it is easy to make new year resolutions, it can be hard to stick to them. If you are a senior looking for ways to create lasting change in your life, here is a useful read. As one of the best retirement homes in Bangalore, we share with you some useful tips to not give up on your new year resolutions: Start small and be realistic: Whether you want to exercise every day or pursue any other endeavour, it is important to plan for it. Outline what you wish to achieve and break it down into smaller achievable goals. Setting realistic goals will prevent you from getting overwhelmed. Remember, results take time, and reaching realistic goals along the way will help you stay motivated week after week. Set aside time to achieve your goals: Once you have outlined your goals, it is important to set aside time to achieve them. Think about any challenges you may face and take steps to address them beforehand otherwise they can derail your resolve. For instance, if you wish to start exercise, schedule a time each day to exercise or join an exercise class. Use a planner to book your schedule for that time of the day to prevent any other activity from interrupting your plan. Seek support from friends: Having a group of friends who are all working towards the same goal can provide a sense of accountability and motivation to show up. Read More : 6 books to enjoy with your grandkids: check the list curated by one of the leading senior citizen homes in Bangalore Do not give up: Creating new habits takes time and effort. A new behaviour will not become a habit overnight. So, keep nudging yourself in the direction you would like to go to create long-lasting change. In case you do stumble, do not be too hard on yourself. Instead, pick up from where you left so that you can focus on progress you have made. Celebrate little victories: Do not wait to call yourself a winner until you reach the finish line. Remember, life is a marathon not a sprint. Encourage yourself to keep working by acknowledging little victories that you have ticked off an enroute to a goal. Pat yourself on the back from time to time and treat yourself to a favourite activity. Be flexible: Life can be unpredictable and sometimes things come up that make it difficult to stick to your new year resolution. When this happens, instead of giving up entirely, try to find a way to modify your plan. For instance, if you are finding it difficult to exercise for one hour every day, change your plan. You can exercise twice a day for 20 minutes each time. Looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore? Our senior living community in Bangalore is designed to help you live independently and worry free. Our retirement home will have a fitness centre, an open-air swimming pool, library, outdoor recreational facilities, games rooms, salon, and spa. There will be multiple on-site dining options, including formal dining rooms and casual bistros. To know more about our retirement home, call us at +918884555554 or book a virtual tour.

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How seniors can keep their spirits up when holidays end: useful insights by one of the best retirement homes in Bangalore

January 24, 2023

Categories : Retirement homes

After the hustle and bustle of holiday gatherings, seniors may feel a social void or isolation. If you too are feeling low after the holidays, acknowledge those feelings by being kind and understanding of yourself. As one of the best retirement homes in Bangalore, we share some insights on how to keep your spirits up when the holidays end. Spend quality time with family and friends The holidays are a time when family, friends, and even ex- colleagues get together to celebrate. However, once the holidays are over, it can be difficult to find time to nurture these relationships. It is important to make time for your loved ones, even after the holidays. You can spend time talking, going for walks, or pursuing hobbies together.  Be gentle on yourself about your New Year resolutions To beat post-holiday blues, start working on your New Year resolutions. However, it is important to be realistic about what you can achieve. If you find yourself struggling to meet your resolutions, do not beat yourself up. Instead, take a step back and reassess your goals. Are they realistic? Do they need to be tweaked? It is also important to remember that resolutions do not have to be all-or-nothing. Make healthy choices After the holidays, it can be difficult to adjust to your daily routine. Unhealthy habits that you picked up during the festive period can leave you feeling sluggish and depressed. To beat post-holiday blues, it is important that you return to healthy habits such as eating healthy food and maintaining a regular exercise routine. Also, meditation practices can help you control your thoughts and avoid anxiety. It is important to follow a regular sleep schedule as well.  Plan to enjoy the year ahead One great way to stay positive after the holidays is to start planning for all the fun events and activities you want to participate in over the course of the year. Whether it is taking a trip with your friends or starting a new hobby, there is sure to be something that will put a smile on your face.  Try journaling Reflect on your holiday and chances are that you will find a story to write. You can prepare a list of new recipes you tried during the holidays, or the holiday gifts you received and sent to your friends and family. Another journaling idea to beat your post-holiday blues is to write down the memories created during the festive season and plan for the next holiday.  Looking for the best retirement homes in Bangalore that promote positive ageing? Explore our retirement homes in Bangalore – we offer senior-friendly amenities and  services that promote positive ageing. Seniors at our retirement homes enjoy their golden years in a vibrant community where they enjoy their days with like-minded community members. They not only enjoy beautiful surroundings and amazing hospitality but also get to choose from a wide variety of social activities. From cooking classes and yoga sessions to movie screening, our calendar of events and activities will keep them busy. To know more about our senior living communities, call us at +918884555554.

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Reasons you should not ignore signs of hearing loss: insights curated by one of the premium retirement homes in Bangalore

December 16, 2022

Categories : Senior Health Tips

With age, it is common to experience gradual loss of hearing. However, this does not mean seniors should ignore hearing loss. If they find themselves turning the TV up a little louder or asking people to speak up or repeat what they said, it is a good idea that they should visit an ENT specialist and get their ears checked. Hearing loss, when not treated, can adversely affect the quality of life. As one of the premium retirement homes in Bangalore, we share some of the reasons why seniors should not ignore signs of hearing loss:   1.Hearing loss can affect mental health: When seniors lose their hearing ability, it can make them feel a bit lost and experience cognitive decline. It has been found that even mild hearing loss can increase the risk of dementia. Hearing loss can also slow the response time and seniors may get anxious worrying that they are going to miss parts of the conversation. This can make everyday conversations stressful.   2. Hearing loss can increase the risk of falls Falling affects seniors physically and mentally, leading to limited mobility and  decreased quality of life. But not many seniors know that hearing loss can increase the chances of falls. According to a study, hearing loss can significantly increase the odds of falling in older adults. It could be because hearing loss causes seniors to have less awareness of their environment. When people walk, the ears pick up cues that help with balance. Hearing loss could make the brain work harder just to process sound. This subconscious multitasking may interfere with maintaining a steady gait. This could increase the likelihood of tripping and falling.   3. Hearing loss can compromise personal safety Hearing loss can reduce awareness of surroundings, making it difficult for seniors to hear vehicle horns, alarms, smoke detectors, and other warning alerts.  This can jeopardise their personal safety.   4. Hearing loss can affect the mood Losing hearing ability can cause a drastic change to a senior’s everyday life. This can lead to feelings of anger and frustration, affecting a senior’s everyday mood. The more seniors are in denial about hearing loss, the harder it can get them to accept the condition.   5. Hearing loss can hamper social interactions Not being able to hear conversation properly can cause seniors to withdraw from friends, family, and social events. This can not only lead to social isolation but also depression. The feelings of loneliness can lead to other problems such as high blood pressure, elevated stress hormones , and weak immune systems. Make time for things you love at our premium retirement homes in Bangalore  At our best senior citizen homes in Bangalore, life feels energised and purposeful. You will find ample opportunities to try new things and make friends — all while being able to live a maintenance-free lifestyle. Some of the perks of living at our best senior citizen homes in Bangalore include: Home maintenance Restaurant-style dining Clubhouse Special events Multiple fitness areas Yoga classes   To know more about our premium retirement homes in Bangalore, call us at  +918884555554.There should be one or two more lines for the concluding paragraph.    

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Looking for senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore? Here are some latest senior living community trends to know

December 12, 2022

Categories : Premium retirement homes in Bangalore | Retirement Communities in India

In the last few years, the face of retirement homes in India have undergone a sea change. Today’s senior living communities like ours are vibrant spaces that are filled with modern amenities, events, and social opportunities. If you are looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore, here are some latest trends that you can look forward to:   1.Prime location Whether you want to live away from the hustle and bustle of city life or you want to live in the heart of the city with access to malls and restaurants, today’s retirement communities are aligning their location to meet different needs of seniors.   2. Thoughtful design and senior friendly architecture Ambience has a huge effect on your mood, health, and overall quality of life. Retirement communities are using modern design principles to make their spaces welcoming and functional. Our senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore are tailored to suit your needs and lifestyle. There are green spaces with rubberised jogging paths for residents to walk and jog. The design of individual villas and apartments are not just aesthetically pleasing but there is also the focus on functionality. Our villas and apartments are a home-like and safe space. The bathrooms are senior-friendly with grab bars installed at strategic locations; there is a panic button for immediate assistance.   3. Access to healthcare Modern senior living communities are ensuring better access to the healthcare services that seniors often need. Many communities like ours have standby ambulances for urgent care. For regular health concerns, we have doctors visiting the premises and organising  wellness camps.   4. Sophisticated dining spaces A remarkable development in retirement living is the fresh approach to dining. You will no longer see drab dining rooms. Modern senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore like ours have restaurant-style dining options. As we know the importance of nutrition, the food served at our retirement communities are nutritious and prepared by trained chefs. We also offer the convenience of snacks, making it easy to grab a bite to eat between meals.   5. Indoor and outdoor fitness facilities Different people prefer to stay fit in different ways and this need is reflected in today’s modern senior citizens homes. To help you stay fit the way you like, retirement communities like ours have fully equipped gyms, yoga decks, and rubberised jogging paths. Not just that, we have a clubhouse where there is a dedicated indoor games room so that you can play carrom and table tennis whenever you want.   6. Active social calendar A fulfilling retirement life is all about exploring new things, having fun, learning, and living life to the fullest. Activities at good senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore do much more than just pass the time. Art and craft workshops, yoga classes, book clubs, movie screenings, and music sessions help you to bond with other residents and learn new things.   7. Community involvement Maintaining a feeling of meaning and fulfillment in your retirement years is important. At our senior living communities, we take proactive steps to involve you seniors in volunteering opportunities.   Looking for senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore?  When you move into our senior citizen homes in Bangalore, you will find elegant independent apartments, high-end amenities, distinctive dining options, concierge services, and an engaging lifestyle. To learn more about us, call us at +918884555554.    

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Addicted to your phone? Here are some tips to create healthy boundaries by one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore

December 5, 2022

Categories : Senior Health Tips | Senior Living Tips

Smartphones can help you stay in touch with friends, watch videos, check the weather, follow the news, and even read e-books. However, excessive use of smartphones can be quite problematic. According to a study, depression and anxiety are associated with smartphone addiction. If you are reaching for the phone the moment you are alone or bored, it is time to reduce your phone usage. As one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore, we share some useful tips to create healthy boundaries with your phone: 1. Be conscious about mobile usage: Spending a lot of time on your phone becomes a problem when it starts affecting your  relationships, health, hobbies, and other important aspects in your life. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of addiction is the first step towards making the change. 2. Find out your daily usage and set a limit: There are a number of apps that can track your daily mobile phone usage and let you know the number of hours you spend on your phone. These apps can also help you find out how much time you are spending on different social media apps. If you are spending hours on the phone because of social media apps, you can uninstall those apps and limit your phone usage. 3. Keep your phone in a designated space: By setting up a space for keeping your phone, you can make sure that you are not carrying it around with you all the time. You can create a designated spot either in the living room or near the entryway. To ensure that you do not miss important calls, install a special ringtone for immediate family members and friends. 4. Carry a magazine or a book along with you: It is always a good idea to carry magazines or books with you especially when you are likely to find yourself with some  free time. When you are waiting for a friend at a coffee shop or waiting for a doctor, an interesting book can prevent you from reaching out for your phone. 5. Set up phone-free zones: If you find yourself checking social media feeds for hours, it is time to limit the mindless scrolling. Setting up phone-free zones is a great idea to make sure that some places in the house do not have phones and other digital devices.   Dinner table: The dinner table is often seen as a symbol of family togetherness. However, when everyone is preoccupied with their phones at the dinner table, it is difficult to have meaningful conversations. So, ensure that no phones are allowed during the mealtimes at the dining table. Bedroom: The blue light emitted from mobile phones can disrupt sleep. It has been found that blue suppresses secretion of melatonin which can lead to fragmented sleep patterns. To avoid checking your phone in the middle of the night, make your bedroom a phone-free zone. Are you looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore? If you are searching on the internet with phrases such as “senior citizen homes near me” or “retirement homes near me”, explore our premium senior living community in Bangalore. Our senior community will have premium living spaces where residents can enjoy their golden years to the fullest. Book a virtual tour of our senior living community in Bangalore or give us a call at  +918884555554.  

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How to enjoy the little things in life: useful insights by one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore

November 21, 2022

Categories : Senior Living Tips

Whether it is listening to the rain or going on a long walk with your grandchildren, enjoying small things in life have a big impact on your overall happiness. When you take time to appreciate the small joys in life, you enjoy more positive emotions. Additionally, enjoying the little things can help you connect with others, feel relaxed and content. As one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore we have curated useful insights on enjoying the little things in life: 1. Identify things that make you smile: Taking time to focus on things that make you smile is important in living a happy and fulfilled life. One of the easiest ways to do this is to keep a diary. Each day, take a few moments to write down the things that made you smile. It could be something as simple as your morning cup of coffee or a phone call from a friend. Another way to savour the little things is through photography. Good photos not only capture the aesthetics of special moments but also the entire ambience of simplicity that surrounds the small yet enjoyable moments. 2. Spend time with children in your family: Children feel excited about different things because of their innocence and sense of wonder. It is easy to see the world through their lens and be amazed at all the things. Children find interest in things you would never even notice. and their excitement is contagious. For them, a flower, a leaf, or even a grasshopper can become an object of wonder. 3. Create a vision board: By collecting images and words that represent what you want to achieve, you can create a tangible representation of your retirement aspirations. The act of creating a vision board can also be a powerful exercise, helping you focus on what brings you joy and happiness. Every time you experience a moment of happiness, take the time to add it to your vision board. These small moments will keep your spirits high and remind you of what is truly important in life. Over time, your vision board will become a beautiful reflection of all the things that make you smile. 4. Bake something: The smell of freshly baked cookies can instantly boost your mood. Also, baking can help you calm your nerves and reduce your stress levels. 5. Go stargazing: Taking a few minutes to step outside and look up at the night sky is an experience that will calm you and make you feel blessed and happy. You do not need to be an expert at astronomy to appreciate the beauty of the sky. Simply take note of any constellations you recognise. Are you looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore where you can rediscover the joy of simple things? Explore our senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore. All the amenities and facilities are carefully chosen to help you enjoy the atmosphere, comfort, and pleasure that comes from being in good and vibrant company. Our retirement homes have senior-friendly gyms, jogging paths, clubhouses, and facilities for outdoor and indoor games. We also have an activity-filled monthly calendar that has cultural events, yoga sessions, and movie screenings. To know more about our senior citizen housing projects in Bangalore, call us at +918884555554.

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Fun ways to celebrate Diwali with your grandkids: list curated by one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore

October 24, 2022

Categories : Diwali 2022 | Positive Ageing | Senior Living Tips

best senior citizen homes in Bangalore

The festival of lights is right around the corner and the excitement for Diwali celebration is already building up. While cleaning the house, making rangolis, and eating sweets are part of the tradition, the most important thing is to enjoy the festival with your friends and family. If you are planning to spend this festival with your grandchildren, you will find this read useful. As one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore, we have curated a list of fun ways to celebrate Diwali with your grandkids:  Read stories about Diwali: Why not make this Diwali extra special by reading them a story about the festival? This is a great way to bond with your grandchildren and teach them about Indian culture. There are plenty of books available for children that tell the full story of the Ramayana in a simplified version. Reading aloud to your grandchildren will help them to understand the importance of the festival and why it is celebrated. Make rangolis together: For many families, rangoli is synonymous with Diwali. Making rangolis can be a fun activity that you and your grandchildren can enjoy together. You can sketch out a pattern on the floor and let your grandchildren decorate it with colours and flowers.  Paint diya together: Crafting is a great way to bond with your grandchildren and there is no better time to do it than during Diwali. Ready-made diyas are the perfect choice for you and your grandchildren to work on together. They are easy to decorate with stones, satin ribbon, washi tapes, and glitter.      Make sweets together: Making sweets together is a great way to celebrate Diwali with your grandchildren. So, this Diwali, instead of buying sweets from stores add a homemade touch to your celebration by making sweets with your grandchildren. Not only is it a fun activity, but it is also a great way to teach your grandchildren about Indian desserts.  Note: If you are looking to make a grand meal for Diwali, take cooking classes together along with your older grandchildren. Go shopping together: When it comes to Diwali, the shopping list can be exhaustive. Earthen lamps, electric lights, lanterns, flowers, rangoli colours, sweets, and clothes are just a few of the many things that you need to make this festival a little more grand. Involving your grandchildren in shopping is a great way to get them excited about the festival. If you are planning to buy them a gift, it can be a great idea to let them choose something they like and want.  Are you looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore that promote positive ageing? If you are searching online with phrases such as “senior citizen homes near me” or “senior citizen homes in my location”, explore our senior citizen homes in Bangalore. Our premium senior living community in Bangalore is designed to celebrate your spirit of living independently. There will be dedicated staff for housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, and concierge so that you can enjoy your new-found freedom to do things you love.  For a positive independent living experience, we will ensure that you will have access to amenities and facilities that will help you stay physically and socially active. Open air swimming pool, senior-friendly fitness centre with state-of-the-art equipment, spa and sauna, restaurant-style dining, and emergency assistance  are just a few of the many amenities you will find at our senior citizen home.  To know more about our best senior citizen homes in Bangalore,  book a virtual tour or call us +918884555554.  

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5 bad sleeping habits that are ruining your sleep: useful insights curated by one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore

September 30, 2022

Categories : Senior Health Tips

bad sleeping habits that are ruining your sleep

As you age, it is not uncommon to experience some changes in your sleep patterns. You may find that you feel sleepy earlier in the evening or that you wake up too early in the morning. However, if you are struggling to sleep on a daily basis, maybe there are some poor sleep habits that are contributing to the problem. As one of the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore, we share with you 5 bad sleeping habits that are ruining your sleep and how you can fix them:   Eating and drinking too much before sleep: Eating a large meal near bedtime can cause heartburn symptoms when you lie down. This can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. If you drink fluids before bed, you may have to wake up multiple times throughout the night to use the restroom. This can disrupt your sleep, making you feel tired the next day. If you are struggling with recurrent nocturia or heartburn at night, it is important to talk to a doctor.   Sleep tip: Eating dinner at least 2 to 3 hours before bedtime gives your body enough time to process food. If you want to eat snacks before bedtime, keep them light. Also, it is better to eat sleep-promoting foods such as almonds, bananas, cherries, and chamomile tea.   Taking long afternoon naps: Afternoon naps are good as they help to reduce fatigue. However, longer naps can reduce your ability to sleep at night.   Sleep tip: Naps should be taken early in the afternoon for only 10 to 20 minutes. Avoid napping after 4 pm. However, note that individual factors, such as your sleeping schedule and your need for sleep, play a role in determining the best time of the day to nap. If you are struggling hard to sleep at night, avoid napping altogether.   Drinking alcohol or coffee and smoking before bedtime: Alcohol may cause drowsiness, but once its effects wear off it leads to fragmented sleep. It has been found that alcohol consumption can worsen snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Beverages that contain caffeine should be avoided 4-6 hours before bedtime, especially if you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Cigarettes should also be avoided before bed time, as nicotine is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep.   Sleep tip: If you have trouble falling asleep, milk may help promote sleep due to the presence of tryptophan. It has been shown that tryptophan-enriched foods can improve sleep quality in older adults.   Working out late in the evening: Regular exercise can improve sleep quality. However, avoid vigorous exercise in the evening because it can raise the body temperature and make it harder to fall asleep. Sleep tip: Try to do some activities such as yoga and swimming. Create a relaxing bedtime routine that includes winding down for 30 minutes before you turn out the lights.   Sleeping with your screen: When you use electronic devices, such as cell phones, laptops, e-readers, or tablets, the blue light from the screen can mimic the effects of sunlight.  Exposure to blue light can lead to reduced melatonin production which can hamper the ability to sleep. The longer you lie in bed staring at a screen, the harder it is for you to fall asleep. Sleep tip: Reduce screen time in the hours leading up to bedtime. Instead of checking social media, try reading books or journaling before bed.   Are you looking for the best senior citizen homes in Bangalore?   When you move into our gated communities in Bangalore, you become part of a welcoming community. In our senior citizen home, you will find 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 2.5 BHK, and 3 BHK living spaces. The senior-friendly apartments offer a worry-free lifestyle so that you spend your golden years the way you want to. From maintenance to daily meals, from laundry to housekeeping, everything is taken care of by our on-site staff. These services will help you pursue your interests and spend time with other residents.   To know more about our gated communities in Bangalore, call us at +918884555554.

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